Seeing Risk through COSO 10.1.23

Seeing Risk through COSO
(Half day workshop)

Yes, Auditors have heard of COSO but do they really know how to apply it in their audits. This practical and entertaining workshop will use current events in business to provide a practical understanding and application of the COSO Framework.  A strong internal control system is one of the best mitigation strategies for managing operational and financial risks. We will discuss with you all necessary knowledge to create and maintain effective control environment. We will also cover how to efficiently review internal controls and identify opportunities for their improvements.

This workshop will open the eyes of internal auditors to look at risk in a different manner. Most audit departments do consider risk, but are they seeing beyond the tip of the iceberg? 47% of CFOs say they could justify unethical behavior to help their organization survive the economic downturn. Nearly half of those surveyed stated that they would be willing to cut ethical corners to meet performance targets, particularly in the last four years. Moreover, the Pandemic, technology, downsizing, reorganization, and globalization have contributed to ignorance of risk exposures. Organizations in industry and government have encouraged entrepreneurial spirit, increasing the potential for Risk and even Fraud.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Distinguish between the 2 COSO Frameworks
  • How to Use the COSO Framework for High impact Internal Auditing
  • Manage Risks of Your Organization with Effective Internal Controls
  • Learn Internal Control Definition, Types, and Objectives
  • Understand Internal Control Components and Principals
  • Improve Your Control Environment
  • How to transcend to a Strategic Advisor to you Company Using the COSO model
  • What COSO really means to Internal Audit Departments
  • How to practically apply COSO concepts to your audits
Doron Rozenblum
Deputy President, IIA Israel – Institute of Internal Auditors

Michael J. Fucilli
Former CAE Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Date and location:
The workshop will take place on Tuesday 10.1.2023
Amot BDO House- Tel Aviv
Entrance floor "Negev" Hall
48 Menachem Begin Rd.
Tel Aviv

08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-11:00 Training
11:00-11:15 Refreshment Break
11:15-13:00 Training

Cost (per person):
IIA member- 350 NIS
ISACA/IDU/Municipalities auditors- 450 NIS
Others- 550 NIS

Cancellation fees:
Notifications of cancellation of participation will be received in writing up to one week before the beginning of the workshop. From this date until the opening date of the workshop, 100% of the total payment of the workshop will be charged.

CPE: 4.5 CPE hours.

לפרטים והרשמה

אולי תתעניינ/י גם ב:


סדנה לבניית תכנית עבודה שנתית לביקורת הפנימית 10.11.24

היערכות לשנת 2025 – סדנה לבניית תכנית עבודה שנתית לביקורת הפנימית בתחום טכנולוגיות המידע, אבטחת מידע וסייבר 10.11.24 המלאכה 32, נתניה – משרדי סיסקו מבוא: לשכת המבקרים הפנימיים IIA ישראל שמחה להציג סדנה ייחודית המתמקדת בבניית תכנית עבודה לביקורת הפנימית […]

פרטים והרשמה

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